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More than a five layer
CMG 5 layers coextrusion lines satisfy the increasing request of production of plastic film with “barrier” effect for food packaging and packing of medical instruments and liquid or powder chemical products, as well as of polyolefin films normally produced in three layers.
The lines are equipped with the new blowing head type CBH 600/5S, manufactured according to the solid technologic basis of the CMG extrusion heads, representing their natural evolution.
Characterised by an extremely compact central feeding and by an ideal equilibrium between outputs and intuitive easy use, this head enables the end user to feel himself sure facing a technically sophisticated and engaging production.
Thanks to the so reduced dimensions and mass the CBH 600/5S allows quick production changes, while the very short flux conducts with circular section grant absence of risks of stagnation or material overheating zones and minimal residence times.
For increasing the output up to 1.000 Kg/h the Overfive lines are equipped with the new head CBH 1000/5S, especially designed for the most sophisticated applications.
The extruders configurations and the layers distribution are designed depending on the final application.