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Technology and compactness: floor space optimization and reduced installation times
The range of blown film extrusion lines for polyolefins and biodegradable materials has been studied in order to optimize floor space and to reduce installation and start up time.
The extruder and dosing system, the extrusion head and dual lip cooling ring, the control cabinet and the cabling, the cooling air and water distribution, constitute a uniquely functional pre-assembled block which is pre-tested on a modular basis.
The remarkably compact characteristics and the quality of the RotoCompact lines are confirmed by the technological level of the different components:
a.c. motors for extruders and various components, provide the best compromise for energy consumption, investment and maintenance cost;
extrusion screws with variable lead barrier profile, give production flexibility over of a wide range of raw materials including the most recent polyolefins and biodegradable materials;
extrusion head with centralized feeding and dual lip air ring ensure a high productivity of uniform film with optimal thickness tolerance and without creasing;
modern and functional rotating haul off, a must for the production of lay flat or tubular film with high quality rolls;
models of winders available with various configurations and production speeds, able to satisfy the highest performance requirements ranging from the simplest products to the most complex sophisticated ones.
RotoCompact is a widely tested machine that meets the highest demands from the market. This is confirmed by the large number of installations widely diffused throughout the world.